The word passion is a word that has a lot of assumptions in it. Not getting clear what it is can really do you a disservice.
Getting clear means checking in with yourself and KNOW you are doing it for yourself.
Once you know that – you can resolve any doubts about the depth of your passion by answering this.
When no one is watching – how do you train?
Do you bounce back when it gets tough?
That makes passion a part of you and not just a word.
Can you teach passion?
To get a player to watch tennis on tv or youtube can be challenging at times. And you as a coach can see how watching can be a great aid for them to excel. (Particularly in these times when some tennis courts are closed)
Getting a clear understanding why watching is a tool – you can mention:
That the mirror neurons fire when you do things and when you watch others do – you don´t have to move your own muscles. It is part how the brain works.
Observing others truly is a way to learn things – you will become better quicker.
For some you can (school is important) mention that Stefanos Tsitsipas used to skip school to watch french open.
Do you have this as an integrated part of your teachings or take it as it comes?
Finding one’s ikigai can be a problem. It can be more simple – as I think the article points out.
Unlocking what you deeply care about means asking powerful questions to yourself. To get the feeling of – that’s it – one can answer one of these questions:
- When I was at a great place, (long time ago or recently) what was it that I liked about that- the core?
- If I had one thing I would give a loved one, the day I left this physical body – what would that be?
This is a process that makes it easier to discover your ikigai – since ikigai is unlocking what you deeply care about.
What have you discovered so far with ikigai?
ps: I really like Howard W Thurman quote.
“Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.” … “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Born a champ and other words like “talented” or “just have IT” it is a word that should be used with caution in my opinion. Because sometimes nothing else becomes important.
Angela Duckworth has written a great book on this subject that is called “Grit”.
She is stating that something else is worth twice as much.
“Born a champ” + EFFORT = skills
Skills + EFFORT = Performance/achievements
So EFFORT has twice the importance over “Born a champ” to achieve high performance.
Do you often use the word “born a champ or talented?
Playing injured
For any top athlete it is a fine line between pushing oneself in order to excel and stopping because it can lead to injury. The injury that might lead to months in rehab.
Getting clear about this has to be the athlete’s responsibility. And I would think about this:
Sometimes it is mind over matter – and sometimes it is not.
The belief that “she is so tough to play injured” has to change.
This makes it easier to know one’s own signals.
How do you teach players to listen to their bodys and push to excel but not push to get injured?
The knowledge coaches have can actually sometimes be a hindrance to help the players excel. When knowledge is not embodied the power behind can be lost.
To embody the values you wanna see in your players you need a fair amount of personal work yourself. It can take forms like:
Checking my own congruence. If I want my player to be focused here and now – am I myself doing the same?
Know what energy you wanna excude on and off the court. Like Nikola Tesla said: If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
This makes you embody your values and become a role model for your players.
What is the number one value that you feel you embodies that has made you such a successful coach?
Knowing what to work on and – if to work on strengths or weaknesses can be challenging at times.
Especially when you can find so many answers nowadays. (INSTA; FB; TWITTER;YOUTUBE)
Getting a clear plan and sticking to it is the plan. You can think about it this way:
80% of your results come from 20 % of your efforts. A minority of your effort leads to the majority of the results.
Know the RIGHT things to train – mentally, technically and physically – and you’ll get the results.
This helps you not to run in circles.
In your world – what is most important there?
One thing I would add is to focus on the right things.
Knowing what to work on is one thing I would add.
You can find many answers nowadays, many coaches that have different opinions.
Getting a clear plan and sticking to the plan leads to success. You can think about it this way:
80% of your results come from 20 % of your efforts. A minority of your effort leads to the majority of the results.
Know the RIGHT things to train – mentally, technically and physically – and you’ll get the results.
This helps you to reach success in the fastest time.
What are your top 3 keys for success?
Being a player that IS the sport rather than play a sport can be very stressful. Not having clarity about this, often tightens you up because the results become overly important.
To seperate them you need more clarity on who you are. To get that clarity you can move towards:
- Work on mindset tools (like better inner dialog, imaginary work, principles to follow) that help you get a better self esteem.
- Make sure that you have boundaries. Say a clear no when you do not wanna do things. If it is hard, check what belief system is behind the complexity of setting boundaries.
This makes you more self aware and a freer sportsperson.
How have you addressed this issue?
You are not alone to not to get your but out there. And staying motivated is sometimes hard.
When you have an emotional clarity WHY you are doing it you can also try the following:
1 .Have someone that you can be accountable for. Even set up a meeting for the accountability.
- Before training – feel the feeling that you have after the training is done.
This will make you inspired.
What have you tried so far?
To have a clear plan is sometimes what is lacking to take that extra step for players. They have a general plan, but not specific enough.
To get faster towards the goal – to get clarity – it is a collaboration between coach and player. It helps to think about it this way.
Know that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort – focus on the right things.
Be flexible inside the plan you together formed.
Now you get the most out of your players.
How do you read the mood of your players?
Changing one self and living less and less without the egoeffect is not overwhelmingly attractive to many.
Without the egoeffect it can even feel life-threatening to some.
If awareness is not sharpened one will take the form on whatever one sees.
To investigate and not having life and thoughts on autopilot it is meaningful to do this:
Be genuine in communications and know that the perception is only viewed from your lens. There are many more lenses out there.
Associate in other ways as a coach than you normally do. Humbly admitting that you as a coach is an aid for learning, that can make it easier and quicker but not indispensable.
This lessens the effect of ego.
How are you yourself stopping your ego?